Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Anything Goes with a MPS image

Hello and welcome to the Michelle Perkett Studio “Anything Goes” challenge!

I’d like to thank everyone who participated in last weeks challenge, we had lots of beautiful entries!   

Now, for this weeks challenge: 

We challenge you to make a card or project using a Michelle Perkett image and our theme is “Anything Goes”!

If you don’t have any of Michelle’s images there are wonderful images in Michelle’s Etsy store and you never know what you might find at the Crafters Digital Art Center  group! 

 Our challenge is sponsored by Michelle Perkett Studio Esty store, the winner will be awarded one digital image of their choice from Michelle's Etsy store!

 Our fabulous Mermaids have made beautiful cards for your inspiration!

Mari featuring Fairy Bridesmaid
Marilyn featuring Magical Alchemy
Shelley featuring Enchanted Love
Jan featuring Emily & Sam
 Pauline featuring Tia

I feel like making some cards, how about you?!

Our challenge time line is from today, January 4th  and ends Monday, January 10, 2011. 
A winner will be chosen randomly at that time and an announcement made!

We encourage everyone to take a few moments to visit and leave comments for the design team and other participants.  Comments are a wonderful way to say thank you for sharing your creative project and inspires everyone to create.
Thanks for stopping by and we hope you join in the fun!

To play along this week, please enter your name, URL and email address in the link below then press next step and select the photo of your creative project.  An icon will appear on the blog featuring the photo you selected.  If the photo doesn’t appear right away, don’t worry, it will after the page has been refreshed.

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